
Available information includes the five-day forecast, wind direction and speed, atmospheric conditions, precipitation, sunrise/sunset times, astronomy conditions, and more.
The Elemental Weather API provides access to historical weather records and weather forecasts. Available weather metrics include temperature, rainfall, wind speed (including gusts), snow, perceived temperature , humidity, and pressure. Weather history data is available at the hourly and daily levels and forecasts are available for hourly, daily, and 12-hour (day/night) periods.
Elemental Weather provides hourly observations from a network of about National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) 90 buoys and 60 Coastal Marine Automated Network (C-MAN) stations. All stations measure wind speed, direction, and gust; atmospheric pressure; and air temperature. In addition, all buoystations, and some C-MAN stations, measure sea surface temperature and wave height and period. Conductivity and water current are measured at selected stations. Weather condition data is also available from offshore oil rigs and ships at sea participating in government data reporting programs.
The Elemental Weather API provides access to historical weather records and weather forecasts. Available weather metrics include temperature, rainfall, wind speed (including gusts), snow, perceived temperature , humidity, and pressure. Weather history data is available at the hourly and daily levels and forecasts are available for hourly, daily, and 12-hour (day/night) periods.